Vancity Movement

A new style of fitness that is playful, creative, and fun.

What We Offer

Our group classes are designed to improve strength, mobility, body coordination, and overall movement awareness. We integrate a variety of modalities such as yoga, dance, and animal flow, to provide a well-rounded movement experience.

We believe that a playful approach to physical training can lead to greater progress and improvement. That's why our classes are filled with fun movement games and partner work, allowing participants to build skills and strength, while also developing a sense of playfulness and connection with others.

What Our Community is Saying

  • "A great balance of challenge, fun, and accessibility for any fitness level. An excellent intro to this type of movement, with teachers obviously quite skilled at their crafts."

  • "This is the most fun movement community in Vancouver! We play, we laugh, we move in different ways. It is great way to build up your strength, flexibility, coordination and have lots of fun with amazing humans! Strongly Recommend!"


  • Our classes are All Levels, and we welcome everybody from all walks of life.

    We always offer modifications to movements, based on the skill level in class.

  • We believe Yoga can be an amazing practice for cultivating mindful movement, and in fact, both of our teachers are certified Yoga instructors.
    We do implement aspects of Yoga practice such as meditation and certain asanas ; however, what we offer goes beyond just pretty poses, and we teach people how to find freedom of movement and play off the mat.

  • We teach a variety of different skills such as Primal Movements, Ground Work, Soft Acrobatics, Handstands, and Contemporary Dance.

    You will get a taste of Animal Flow exercises here. But trust us: what we do is better, and you get so much more out of it!